
Klaviyo strategy for success

You’ve decided that Klaviyo is going to be your email/sms marketing platform of choice. Congratulations, Klaviyo is an excellent platform.

Audience and contact audit


Performing an Audience and Contact Audit in Klaviyo involves detailed analysis and segmentation. Start by collecting demographic data to understand who your audience is. Next, review their engagement with past emails, focusing on metrics like open and click-through rates, to gauge content effectiveness. Identify inactive subscribers to tailor re-engagement campaigns or clean your list. This process refines your email strategy, ensuring content is relevant and engaging, improving overall campaign performance.

Set goals

Setting clear, measurable goals is crucial for the success of email marketing efforts. Goals can range from increasing open rates and click-through rates to driving more conversions or enhancing customer loyalty. Specific goals help in guiding both the strategy and the measurement of efforts, ensuring that every email campaign is aligned with broader marketing objectives. By establishing benchmarks, marketers can track progress over time, adjust strategies as needed, and focus on tactics that deliver the best results, making goal setting a foundational step in creating effective email marketing campaigns.


Choose the right email marketing tools

Choosing the right email marketing tools involves evaluating features like automation capabilities, which streamline sending timely and relevant emails; analytics, to track the effectiveness of campaigns; template designs, for visually appealing emails; and integration with other marketing tools to create a cohesive strategy. Popular options include Mailchimp, known for its user-friendly interface and robust automation features; Constant Contact, with extensive template libraries and strong support; and Klaviyo, favored for its advanced segmentation and analytics capabilities. Each tool has unique strengths suited to different use cases, from small businesses to large-scale enterprises.

Define audience to personalise them

Defining and personalizing your audience involves segmenting your email list to deliver content that resonates more deeply with each subscriber. Segment by behavior, purchase history, demographics, or engagement levels to tailor messages precisely. Personalization boosts campaign relevance and effectiveness, leading to higher engagement and conversion rates. Strategies include using dynamic content that changes based on the recipient’s data and creating targeted campaigns that speak directly to the needs and interests of different audience segments.


Build an email list

To build an email list, focus on ethical and effective techniques like utilizing lead magnets (free resources offered in exchange for email addresses), embedding sign-up forms on your website and social media platforms, and providing incentives for subscriptions. Emphasize the importance of organically growing your list to ensure subscribers are genuinely interested in your content, leading to a more engaged and responsive audience. This approach enhances the quality of your email list, contributing to higher open and conversion rates.

Tailor emails to each stage of the customer journey

Tailoring emails to each stage of the customer journey involves creating content that meets subscribers’ needs and interests at specific points. For the awareness stage, informational content that educates about the brand or product is key. During consideration, more detailed comparisons or case studies can help. Decision stage emails should offer incentives or reassurances like free trials or testimonials. Finally, for loyalty, focus on appreciation messages, exclusive offers, or feedback requests to reinforce the relationship and encourage repeat business.

Design emails and send frequency

Prioritize clean design with ample white space, ensure mobile responsiveness, and include clear calls to action. Balance frequency to maintain engagement without overwhelming; test to find the sweet spot for your audience.


Define A/B test strategy

Test elements like subject lines, email body, and calls-to-action. Start with a hypothesis, split your list, and send variant A to one half and B to the other. Analyze which performs better and apply those insights to future campaigns.

Track and monitor/reports

Focus on metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, and unsubscribe rates. Use this data to refine strategies, improve content, and prove ROI. Regular analysis helps in making data-driven decisions for future campaigns.

Hi, I'm Bec

I'm a digital marketing specalist with a background in graphic design and web design. I'm your go-to for all business growth, marketing and design needs.